Hi! I’m Nicholas, and this is my humble little website you have stumbled upon. I assume you clicked on the appropriately named link to learn a little more about me, so I'll try my best to oblige.

I like drawing, cooking, and playing video games (typically older games that were around before this era of releasing unfinished games at full price, and then charging more money for content that the game should have already launched with). Thankfully, I was lucky enough to experience the internet for those last few years that it was still relatively non-commercialized/corporatized, but I feel like I still kinda missed out on what made the early internet age truly great. I had dabbled with things like Myspace and Blogger as a child, and even learned some basic HTML in high school, but only recently have I began taking a serious interest in creating my own personal website so, here I am!

I’m using this website as a way to showcase my interests, art, and other creative ideas in a way that’s aesthetically pleasing to me while also being kinda off-the-radar. If you’ve found me all the way out here, then kudos! I hope your visit to Laplace is an awesome one!

Take a look at my survey !

  • Birthday:  June 25th  (Cancer ♋︎)
  • Nationality:  Trinidadian American
  • Aliases:  anothermigrane, MisterIndependent
  • Myers/Briggs Personality: ISFJ-A
  • Link to my Neocities profile
  • Link to my Bandcamp collection
  • Likes:  my computer, rainy nights, York Peppermint Patties, sweatshirts, word searches, vaporwave, bara, Vans
  • Dislikes:  TikTok, mushrooms, being social for extended periods of time, people who are rude/overly judgemental, the bipartisan political system, liars